Setup Dev Environment with Lando (Mac)

This post is just me sharing notes I took while setting up my new (at the time) macbook. It's setup for web development primarily with Laravel and WordPress utilizing Lando for the development environment / docker abstraction layer.

Install brew  

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Install lando  

Brew cask install lando

  Install zsh  

Brew install zsh

  Install oh-my-zsh  

sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"

    Upgrade oh-my-zsh  


  Edit zsh & add plugins  

nano ~/.zshrc

SETUP SUBLIME (Not code below... but i had to be consistent, right?)

CMD+SHIFT+P => install package control
CMD+SHIFT+P => Install package
	=> A File Icon
	=> DocBlockr
	=> Emmet
	=> Laravel Blade Highlighter
	=> Laravel Blade Spacer	
	=> Material theme
	=> Sass
	=> SideBarEnhancements
	=> Vue Syntax Highlight
	=> Vuejs Snippets
	=> ZSH
	=> zzz A File Icon zzz

	=> Sublime Text > preferences > theme > material
	=> Sublime Text > preferences > color scheme > material