Needing more flexibility in your local development environment? Here I give a brief overview of how to setup a super-flexible local environment using Docker.
Wondering what you need to know about ADA compliance on your website? Head on over to the article I wrote (and the copywriting team fixed up) while at Mad Genius
If you're like me, you're tired of having file caching issues. Hard refresh is not a good solution, but automatic versioning is!
What does a modern web development environment look like in 2020? Let's see how we can have an extremely flexible and portable environment that is easy to work with multiple people, multiple projects, multiple softwares/languages, and multiple versions of those softwares/languages.
In the current age of digital growth, everything is moving online which means you have to select a password to protect your information. How do we create memorable but secure passwords without forgetting all of them?
This is a messy but known way to install WordPress core if its ever necessary via SSH where the WP CLI is not available. Simply replace 'projectFolder' with the correct folder and have at it!
This enables the use of multiple domains with a single wordpress instance. This is handy when developing local but using something like Laravel Valet, Lando, or ngrok to open a tunnel to your local machine for testing.
How I setup my dev environment with Lando on my Macbook for Web Development.
A simple Lando recipe for WordPress.
A simple collection of alias functions to enable the use of the CLIs within Lando without having to type lando to access them.
A Lando recipe for laravel and tools within laravel such as PyroCMS and Voyager.
Ever wanted to be able to utilize WordPress, Custom Post Types, Advanced Custom fields, and the ACF to REST API plugin to enable an api that could be filtered by ANY field? Let's look at how to do that.
Having a wildcard virtual hosting setup can be VERY useful for development environments. Let's look at
how to set that up.
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So you have a new project built and ready for production, but you don't know how to use Laravel with ServerPilot. In this article, we look at a simple process to using serverpilot to run your Laravel app.
Occasionally, we need to be fairly flexible in our stylesheets, to minimize code and maximize efficiency. Wildcards simplify your stylesheets and produce a much more efficient workflow. Let's look at how to start writing them.
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Though it is much simpler if you have paid for vmware and can run their installer to setup everything, it is not too terribly much more difficult to get a Unitrends Free Backup running on a free esxi version. Let's begin.
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Having a great dev process is of utmost importance, so let's explore how to do that by setting up a dev server using VMWare ESXI to virtualize servers.
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Part of having a great dev process is version control and deployment systems, so let's look at the advantages we can gain by using BitBucket.
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Froala is a very powerful text editor plugin for your website, but (as of this writing) it can be tricky to use with Laravel. Let's look at how to implement it.
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The Froala Image Manager's immense power can be tricky, but we have defeated it and put it to work within Laravel!